Thursday 4 February 2016


Laughter is an expression of joy and happiness. Man alone among countless creatures of God has the capacity to laugh. It is a great blessing and plays a vital role in human life and relations. Life indeed would be very dreary without humour and laughter. The ability to laugh relieves man of every day stresses and enables him to see the brighter side of life. 
                A man with a sense of humour is welcomed at every gathering and provides relief from the dull conversation with his sparkling wit and funny jokes. He becomes the soul of the party. Humour helps one to keep one's temper under control and not flare up at the slightest provocation. So humour has a great practical value. It helps to maintain mental equilibrium and gain friends, two things essential for happiness. 
          A man devoid of a sense of humour always remains tense and unhappy. He is unable to see the lighter side of life. He becomes a cynic whose company is shunned by everybody. On the contrary, a man with a sense of humour will feel amused even when faced with situations which upset the moody and solemn people who are too serious to laugh at themselves or at small inconsistencies of life.

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