Thursday 4 February 2016


A glimpse of the works of art reveals that they are the result of man's unceasing toil, patience and perseverance. The Taj Mahal, a poem in marble, took several years to be built to perfection. Man did not become civilized overnight. He had to work hard and struggle a lot to overcome the obstacles in his path. There is no shortcut to success in life. Patience and hard work are necessary requisites for achieving one's goal in life. 
     A man, who gets dejected at the first sign of failure and gives up his pursuit of the goal out of desperation, can never come to much in life. Before embarking on any venture, one should remember that setbacks are a part of the development process. But self confidence, endurance and will power can see one through these initial failures. After all, successful men didn't reach the top of the ladder in one day. They too had to struggle and overcome the difficulties in their path boldly and patiently. Everything takes time to be built. Patience, therefore is the hallmark of successful men and women.

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