Tuesday 2 February 2016

Lend Your Eears To All, Tongue to Few

A wise man is a good listener, but a cautious speaker. He listens to everyone with patience but uses his own judgment. In the present world, with so many wolves in sheep's clothing , It is good to be discreet in one's choice of words. A person who talks unnecessary is bound to invite trouble for himself. However, people who are patient listener are more sensible as they can have a full peep into other's hearts without revealing their own mind. Sometimes people befriend you with ulterior motives and take ill advantage of confidence you repose in them. We daily come across newspaper reports of people who tricked some gullible persons. 
        The modus operandi is first to win to the confidence of unsuspecting victims with clever talk and counterfeit actions and then they cheat them. Therefore, we must not be taken in by sycophants whose sole purpose is to exploit us. we should confide in those who have stood the test of time and are worthy of our confidence. By listening to others, we come to know of certain facts which may be useful for us. Everybody has at least one or two things to teach you. Therefore listening can be more advantageous. Hence talking injudiciously to to every who happens to be your acquaintance, can prove very dangerous in the long run. Listening should always be preferred to talking as even nature has given us two ears and one tongue that too guarded by thirty two strong teeth.

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